Present indefinite tense hindi to english:- uses , example, exercise

Present indefinite tense hindi to english:- uses , example, exercise

भाषा की बुनियाद में tense एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है,जो वाक्यों को time के सन्दर्भ में स्पष्ट करता है। हिंदी में,वर्तमान काल की परिभाषा और उपयोग समझना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, क्योंकि यह हमें आजकल की गतिविधियों और सामान्य घटनाओं को व्यक्त करने में मदद करता है। इस लेख में,हम सरल वर्तमान काल (Simple Present Tense) के बारे में विस्तृत जानकारी प्रदान करेंगे, जिसमें इसकी परिभाषा,उपयोग और उदाहरण शामिल होंगे।

Present indefinite tense hindi to english:- uses , example, exercise


(i) Present Indefinite Tense /Simple Present Tense :-

Present Indefinite Tense की क्रिया से यह बोध होता है कि कार्य – वर्तमानकाल में सामान्य रूप से हो रहा है।इसके अलावा Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग कर्ता के स्वभाव (nature) या आदत (habit) को व्यक्त करने के लिए भी होता है। साथ चिरंतन सत्य (eternal truth), सिद्धांत (principle), स्थायी कार्य (permanent activity) को व्यक्त करने के लिए भी Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग होता है।

Identification of Present Indefinite Tense:-

पहचान :- हिन्दी वाक्यों को क्रिया के अन्त में “..ता हूँ /…ते हो /…ती हैं ” लगा रहता है।

Present indefinite tense hindi to english example :-

मैं पढ़ता हूँ।

हमलोग खेलते हैं

तुम खेलते हो

सीता गीत गाती है।

वह मैदान में टहलता हैं।


Present indefinite tense hindi to english uses :-

Rule (1):

habitual, or regular or repeated action (नियमित या स्वाभाविक कार्य) को व्यक्त करने के लिए Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है।


वह रोज सुबह दौड़ती है।

She runs every morning.

वे हर रविवार को फुटबॉल खेलते हैं।

They play football every Sunday.

मैं हमेशा रात में किताब पढ़ता हूँ।

I always read a book at night.

वह हर दिन स्कूल जाता है।

He goes to school every day.

हम हर महीने एक बार फिल्म देखते हैं।

We watch a movie once a month.

Note : ऐसे वाक्यो में सामान्यता Time expressing Adverbs जैसे-always, often, sometimes, generally, usually, occassionally, rarely, seldom, never, hardly, scarcely, habitually, daily, every day, everynight, every morning, every evening, every week, every month, every year, once a week, once a day, once a month, twice a day, twice a week, twice a month आदि का प्रयोग का प्रयोग होता है।

Rule (2):-

universal truth ( सार्वभौमिक सत्य) और permanent activities (स्थायी कार्य व्यापार) को व्यक्त करने के लिए Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है

Example :-

सूरज पूर्व की ओर उगता है।

The sun rises in the east .

पानी का उबालने का बिंदु 100 डिग्री सेल्सियस होता है।

The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.

ध्रुवीय क्षेत्र में ठंडा मौसम रहता है।

The polar regions have cold climates.

पृथ्वी सूरज के चारों ओर घूमती है।

The Earth orbits around the Sun.

चीनी मिठास देती है।

Sugar adds sweetness.

मनुष्यों को सांस लेने के लिए ऑक्सीजन की आवश्यकता होती है।

Humans need oxygen to breathe.

धातुएं गर्म करने पर फैल जाती हैं।

Metals expand when heated.

तितलियाँ फूलों से nectar पीती हैं।

Butterflies drink nectar from flowers.

चाँद पृथ्वी के चारों ओर चक्कर लगाता है।

The moon orbits around the Earth.

समुद्र में नमक होता है।

The sea contains salt.


Rule (3) :-

possession (अधिकार) को व्यक्त करने के लिए Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है


उसके पास एक सुंदर गाड़ी है।

She has a beautiful car.

हमारे पास एक बड़ा घर है।

We have a large house.

उसके पास एक नया फोन है।

She has a new phone.


Rule (4):-

mental activity (मानसिक क्रिया- कलाप), emotions तथा feelings को व्यक्त करने के लिए Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है


वह अक्सर खुश रहता है।

He often stays happy.

वह कभी भी गुस्से में नहीं आता।

He never gets angry.

वह अपने परिवार से बहुत प्यार करती है।

She loves her family very much.

वे हर रोज़ खुशी महसूस करते हैं।

They feel happy every day.

मुझे परीक्षा के बारे में चिंता होती है।

I worry about the exam.

Note: mental activity वयक्त करने वाले वाक्यो में सामान्यता notice, recognize, see, hear, smell, appear, look,seem, want, wish, desire, feel, like, love, hate, hope, refuse, prefer, think, suppose, believe, agree, consider, trust, remember, forget, know, understand, imagine, mean, mind etc. का प्रयोग होता है ।

Rule (5):

भविष्य के सुनियोजित कार्यक्रम (fixed programme) तथा सुनियोजित योजना (fixed plan) को व्यक्त करने के लिए Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग किया जाता है


हम रविवार को पिकनिक पर जाएंगे ।

We will go for a picnic on Sunday.

वह अगले साल विदेश यात्रा करेगा।

He will travel abroad next year.

वे कल पार्टी का आयोजन करेंगे।

They will organize a party tomorrow.

हम अगले महीने नया घर खरीदेंगे।

We will buy a new house next month.

वह शुक्रवार को सिनेमा देखने जाएगी।

She will go to the cinema on Friday.

Note : ऐसे वाक्यो में सामान्यतः Future time expressing Adverbs जैसे-Tomorrow, next day, next night, next month, next year,next week. In January, in February, in March…,on Monday, on Tuesday…etc. का प्रयोग निश्चित रूप से रहता है।


आपको यह भी पसंद आएगा :-

Present indefinite tense sentence in hindi -pehchan ,structure ,examples

Present continuous tense sentence in hindi-pehchan ,structure ,examples

Present continuous tense hindi to english:- uses , example, exercise

Present perfect tense sentence in hindi- pehchan ,structure ,example

Present perfect tense hindi to english:- uses , example, exercise

Present perfect continuous tense sentences in hindi -pehchan ,structure ,examples

Rule (6) :-

Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग Here or There से स्टार्ट होने वाले exclamatory sentence में होता है।


Here comes the bus!

यहाँ बस आ रही है!

There goes the bell!

वहाँ घण्टी बज रही है!

Here is the solution to the problem!

यहाँ समस्या का समाधान है!

There lies the treasure we have been searching for!

वहाँ वह खजाना है जिसे हम ढूंढ रहे थे!

Here stands the tallest building in the city!

यहाँ शहर की सबसे ऊँची इमारत खड़ी है!

Rule (7) :-

रेडियो या टेलीविजन के द्वारा आँखों देखा हाल (running commentary)का प्रसारण करने के लिए Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग होता है।


The ball moves quickly from one side of the field to the other. The forward makes a break down the wing and crosses the ball into the box. The striker leaps into the air and heads the ball towards the goal

Rule (8):-

Author (लेखक) के statement (कथन) को व्यक्त करने के लिए Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग होता है।


Shakespeare says, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be.”

Ram says, “Birds fly and fish swim.”

Rule (9):-

History (इतिहास) के past events (बीते हुए घटनाओं) को जीवंत या ताजा बनाकर दिखाने के लिए Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग होता है।

Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon River in 49 BC.

The Titanic sinks on its maiden voyage in 1912.

The Berlin Wall divides East and West Berlin.

Rule (10):-

Conditional sentence (शर्तसूचक वाक्य) में सामान्यतः if, when, before, after, till, until, unless, as soon as, as long as, in case से शुरू होनेवाले Clause Present Indefinite Tense का प्रयोग होता है जबकि दूसरे Clause में Simple Future Tense का प्रयोग होता है

जैसे- If you run fast, you will win the race.

Unless she works hard, she will not succeed.


यह भी पढ़ें :-
Present perfect continuous tense exercises in hindi

Past indefinite tense sentences examples in hindi-pehchan ,structure ,examples

Past indefinite tense rules and exercise in hindi

past continuous tense examples in hindi -pehchan ,structure ,examples

past continuous tense rules and exercise in hindi

past perfect tense uses and exercises in hindi

Present indefinite tense in hindi exercise :-

Present indefinite tense in hindi fill in the blanks exercise :-

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb .

1. She _____ (read) a book every evening.

2. The sun _____ (rise) in the east.

3. They _____ (play) football on Saturdays.

4. He _____ (work) at the local bank.

5. I _____ (like) to drink coffee in the morning.

6. My parents _____ (travel) to France every summer.

7. She _____ (write) letters to her friends.

8. We _____ (study) English at school.

9. The cat _____ (sleep) on the sofa.

10. He _____ (take) the bus to work.

11. She _____ (make) dinner for her family.

12. The train _____ (leave) at 6 PM.

13. Birds _____ (sing) in the morning.

14. He _____ (fix) cars for a living.

15. They _____ (eat) lunch at 12 o’clock.

16. I _____ (enjoy) watching movies on weekends.

17. She _____ (teach) math at the high school.

18. We _____ (go) to the gym every day.

19. The chef _____ (prepare) delicious meals.

20. He _____ (study) hard for his exams.

21. The flowers _____ (bloom) in spring.

22. They _____ (dance) at the party.

23. I _____ (brush) my teeth twice a day.

24. She _____ (wear) a blue dress to work.

25. The kids _____ (play) outside after school.

26. He _____ (visit) his grandparents every weekend.

27. We _____ (listen) to music during our breaks.

28. She _____ (enjoy) reading mystery novels.

29. The baby _____ (cry) when it’s hungry.

30. He _____ (drive) to the office every day.

31. We _____ (celebrate) birthdays with cake.

32. They _____ (make) crafts in art class.

33. I _____ (write) a journal entry every night.

34. She _____ (clean) her room every Saturday.

35. The dog _____ (bark) at strangers.

36. He _____ (teach) computer science at the college.

37. We _____ (visit) the museum once a month.

38. They _____ (watch) TV in the evening.

39. She _____ (exercise) at the gym regularly.

40. I _____ (call) my parents every Sunday.

41. The children _____ (play) with their toys.

42. He _____ (read) the newspaper in the morning.

43. She _____ (arrive) at the office at 9 AM.

44. They _____ (cook) dinner together.

45. I _____ (send) emails to my clients daily.

46. The river _____ (flow) through the city.

47. He _____ (eat) a healthy breakfast every day.

48. We _____ (visit) the park on weekends.

49. She _____ (check) her email regularly.

50. The students _____ (participate) in class discussions.

51. He _____ (take) a shower every morning.

52. We _____ (buy) groceries every Friday.

53. They _____ (play) chess in their free time.

54. She _____ (make) coffee for her guests.

55. The teacher _____ (give) homework every day.

56. I _____ (ride) my bike to school.

57. They _____ (enjoy) hiking in the mountains.

58. She _____ (take) care of her garden.

59. We _____ (celebrate) New Year’s with fireworks.

60. He _____ (read) a book before bed.

61. The train _____ (arrive) at 9:15 AM.

62. She _____ (visit) her friends on weekends.

63. I _____ (write) stories for fun.

64. They _____ (play) video games together.

65. He _____ (teach) his dog new tricks.

66. We _____ (eat) dinner at 7 PM.

67. She _____ (paint) landscapes in her studio.

68. The kids _____ (do) their homework after school.

69. He _____ (sing) in the choir.

70. We _____ (enjoy) picnics in the park.

71. They _____ (attend) meetings on Mondays.

72. She _____ (draw) pictures in her sketchbook.

73. The dog _____ (chase) the ball.

74. He _____ (write) poems for his blog.

75. We _____ (travel) to new places every year.

76. She _____ (plant) flowers in her garden.

77. They _____ (visit) historical sites.

78. I _____ (read) books before going to sleep.

79. He _____ (repair) electronics in his workshop.

80. We _____ (go) for walks in the evening.

81. She _____ (play) the guitar in the band.

82. The chef _____ (create) new recipes.

83. I _____ (check) the weather forecast daily.

84. They _____ (sing) their favorite songs.

85. He _____ (write) articles for the newspaper.

86. We _____ (attend) the annual conference.

87. She _____ (swim) at the pool every morning.

88. The students _____ (study) for their finals.

89. He _____ (work) in the garden every weekend.

90. We _____ (watch) movies on Friday nights.

91. They _____ (shop) for groceries on Saturdays.

92. She _____ (teach) yoga classes at the studio.

93. The dog _____ (fetch) the stick when thrown.

94. I _____ (cook) dinner for my family every night.

95. They _____ (explore) new recipes.

96. He _____ (write) his daily journal entries.

97. We _____ (meet) friends for coffee on Sundays.

98. She _____ (organize) her desk every morning.

99. The sun _____ (set) in the west.

100. He _____ (make) his bed every day.


आपको यह भी पसंद आएगा :-

past perfect tense hindi to english sentences- uses , example, exercise

future indefinite tense in hindi-pehchan ,structure ,examples

future indefinite tense uses and exercises in hindi

future continuous tense uses and exercises in hindi

future perfect tense in hindi-pehchan ,structure ,examples

Future perfect tense uses and exercises in hindi

Present indefinite tense in hindi fill in the blanks exercise solution :-

1. reads

2. rises

3. plays

4. works


6. travels

7. writes

8. study

9. sleeps

10. takes

11. makes

12. leaves

13. sing

14. fixes

15. eat

16. enjoy

17. teaches

18. go

19. prepares

20. studies

21. bloom

22. dance

23. brush

24. wears

25. play

26. visits

27. listen

28. enjoys

29. cries

30. drives

31. celebrate

32. make

33. write

34. cleans

35. barks

36. teaches

37. visit

38. watch

39. exercises

40. call

41. play

42. reads

43. arrives

44. cook

45. send

46. flows

47. eats

48. visit

49. checks

50. participate

51. takes

52. buy

53. play

54. makes

55. gives

56. ride

57. enjoy

58. takes

59. celebrate

60. reads

61. arrives

62. visits

63. write

64. play

65. teaches

66. eat

67. paints

68. do

69. sings

70. enjoy

71. attend

72. draws

73. chases

74. writes

75. travel

76. plants

77. visit

78. read

79. repairs

80. go

81. plays

82. creates

83. check

84. sing

85. writes

86. attend

87. swims

88. study

89. works

90. watch

91. shop

92. teaches

93. fetches

94. cook

95. explore

96. writes

97. meet

98. organizes

99. sets

100. Makes



Present indefinite tense in hindi error finding exercise :-

Rewrite the below mentioned sentences after correction.

1. She don’t like chocolate.

2. They goes to the gym every day.

3. He drink coffee every morning.

4. We enjoys watching movies.

5. The dog barks loudly at strangers.

6. I does not like running.

7. She runs very fastly.

8. They plays tennis every Saturday.

9. The train arrive at 5 PM.

10. He studies in the library every day.

11. She write poems every night.

12. We does not understand the question.

13. The baby cries when it’s hungry.

14. They don’t eats pizza often.

15. He take his lunch at noon.

16. She doesn’t like tea, but she like coffee.

17. I don’t likes to travel.

18. The teacher explain the lesson.

19. He make a lot of noise.

20. She does not understands the rules.

21. They goes to the beach every summer.

22. We drives to the office daily.

23. He does not knows his schedule.

24. She watch TV every evening.

25. The children enjoys their summer vacation.

26. I do not understand the language.

27. They studies every weekend.

28. She does her chores every day.

29. The cat sleep on the sofa.

30. We doesn’t go out much.

31. He brushes his teeth twice a day.

32. They does not visit their grandparents.

33. She go to the gym on Mondays.

34. The sun set in the east.

35. I reads books on weekends.

36. He takes the bus to work.

37. They eats lunch at 1 PM.

38. She learn new skills regularly.

39. The chef cooks delicious food.

40. We is not ready for the test.

41. He know the answer to the question.

42. The teacher give homework every day.

43. She write letters to her friends.

44. They studies math in school.

45. He don’t play the guitar.

46. She does not works on Sundays.

47. I do not knows his address.

48. The children runs around the park.

49. She enjoy reading novels.

50. They do their homework every day.

51. He likes to play chess.

52. We don’t goes to the gym regularly.

53. She feels very energetic after exercise.

54. The store opens at 9 AM.

55. I writes in my journal daily.

56. They takes vacations every year.

57. She loves to bake cookies.

58. The cat sleeps on the bed.

59. He studies Spanish at school.

60. We don’t eats out often.

61. She enjoys cooking for her family.

62. The bus arrives at 6 PM.

63. He does not like spicy food.

64. They goes to the cinema on weekends.

65. She doesn’t enjoy playing sports.

66. The phone rings constantly.

67. He plays the drums in a band.

68. I don’t like horror films.

69. She drives to the office every day.

70. They reads the newspaper daily.

71. He don’t attend the gym regularly.

72. We study together every evening.

73. She cooks dinner for her family.

74. They enjoys watching TV shows.

75. The school starts at 8:30 AM.

76. He writes poems on weekends.

77. She does not play any sports.

78. They goes on holiday every year.

79. I enjoys reading mystery novels.

80. The shop closes at 8 PM.

81. He learns new words quickly.

82. They practices daily.

83. She reads newspapers every morning.

84. The children make a lot of noise.

85. I don’t understands this problem.

86. He eats breakfast at 7 AM.

87. We does not have any homework.

88. She writes in her diary every night.

89. They enjoys playing games.

90. He likes to watch soccer.

91. The kids goes to bed at 9 PM.

92. She takes her dog for a walk daily.

93. I don’t like watching documentaries.

94. They studies for their exams.

95. He does not eat fast food.

96. She wears glasses when reading.

97. We does not watch TV much.

98. They does not understand the lesson.

99. He drives to work every day.

100. She enjoys spending time with her family.






Present indefinite tense in hindi error finding exercise solution :-

1. She doesn’t like chocolate.

2. They go to the gym every day.

3. He drinks coffee every morning.

4. We enjoy watching movies.

5. The dog barks loudly at strangers.

6. I do not like running.

7. She runs very quickly.

8. They play tennis every Saturday.

9. The train arrives at 5 PM.

10. He studies in the library every day.

11. She writes poems every night.

12. We do not understand the question.

13. The baby cries when it’s hungry.

14. They don’t eat pizza often.

15. He takes his lunch at noon.

16. She doesn’t like tea, but she likes coffee.

17. I don’t like to travel.

18. The teacher explains the lesson.

19. He makes a lot of noise.

20. She does not understand the rules.

21. They go to the beach every summer.

22. We drive to the office daily.

23. He does not know his schedule.

24. She watches TV every evening.

25. The children enjoy their summer vacation.

26. I do not understand the language. *(No error)*

27. They study every weekend.

28. She does her chores every day. *(No error)*

29. The cat sleeps on the sofa.

30. We don’t go out much.

31. He brushes his teeth twice a day.

32. They do not visit their grandparents.

33. She goes to the gym on Mondays.

34. The sun sets in the east.

35. I read books on weekends.

36. He takes the bus to work.

37. They eat lunch at 1 PM.

38. She learns new skills regularly.

39. The chef cooks delicious food.

40. We are not ready for the test.

41. He knows the answer to the question.

42. The teacher gives homework every day.

43. She writes letters to her friends.

44. They study math in school.

45. He doesn’t play the guitar.

46. She does not work on Sundays.

47. I do not know his address.

48. The children run around the park.

49. She enjoys reading novels.

50. They do their homework every day. *(No error)*

51. He likes to play chess.

52. We don’t go to the gym regularly.

53. She feels very energetic after exercise.

54. The store opens at 9 AM.

55. I write in my journal daily.

56. They take vacations every year.

57. She loves to bake cookies.

58. The cat sleeps on the bed.

59. He studies Spanish at school.

60. We don’t eat out often.

61. She enjoys cooking for her family.

62. The bus arrives at 6 PM.

63. He doesn’t like spicy food.

64. They go to the cinema on weekends.

65. She doesn’t enjoy playing sports.

66. The phone rings constantly.

67. He plays the drums in a band.

68. I don’t like horror films. *(No error)*

69. She drives to the office every day.

70. They read the newspaper daily.

71. He doesn’t attend the gym regularly.

72. We study together every evening.

73. She cooks dinner for her family.

74. They enjoy watching TV shows.

75. The school starts at 8:30 AM.

76. He writes poems on weekends.

77. She does not play any sports. *(No error)*

78. They go on holiday every year.

79. I enjoy reading mystery novels.

80. The shop closes at 8 PM.

81. He learns new words quickly.

82. They practice daily.

83. She reads newspapers every morning.

84. The children make a lot of noise.

85. I don’t understand this problem.

86. He eats breakfast at 7 AM.

87. We do not have any homework.

88. She writes in her diary every night.

89. They enjoy playing games.

90. He likes to watch soccer.

91. The kids go to bed at 9 PM.

92. She takes her dog for a walk daily.

93. I don’t like watching documentaries. *(No error)*

94. They study for their exams.

95. He doesn’t eat fast food.

96. She wears glasses when reading.

97. We do not watch TV much.

98. They do not understand the lesson.

99. He drives to work every day.

100. She enjoys spending time with her family.







Present indefinite tense in hindi fill in the blanks exercise :-

fill-in-the-blank with appropriate  Verb :-


1. She ______ (to conduct) research on environmental issues.

2. The company ______ (to offer) a variety of services.

3. He ______ (to teach) advanced mathematics at the university.

4. They ______ (to publish) a journal every quarter.

5. The sun ______ (to set) behind the mountains in the evening.

6. I ______ (to participate) in seminars regularly.

7. The team ______ (to analyze) the data meticulously.

8. She ______ (to attend) meetings every week.

9. The professor ______ (to discuss) theories during lectures.

10. He ______ (to lead) a project on renewable energy.

11. The library ______ (to provide) access to numerous resources.

12. We ______ (to explore) new methods in our experiments.

13. The manager ______ (to oversee) daily operations at the firm.

14. She ______ (to write) articles for academic publications.

15. The software ______ (to assist) users in data management.

16. He ______ (to conduct) interviews with potential candidates.

17. The organization ______ (to support) various charitable causes.

18. I ______ (to analyze) the results of the survey every month.

19. They ______ (to update) the software regularly.

20. The researcher ______ (to present) findings at conferences.

21. The students ______ (to collaborate) on group projects.

22. She ______ (to review) applications for the scholarship.

23. The institute ______ (to offer) online courses in several fields.

24. He ______ (to monitor) the progress of the project.

25. The journal ______ (to publish) new research every year.

26. They ______ (to study) the effects of climate change.

27. The company ______ (to maintain) high standards of quality.

28. She ______ (to supervise) the lab experiments.

29. The course ______ (to include) several practical assignments.

30. He ______ (to track) the performance of his team.

31. We ______ (to share) our findings with the academic community.

32. The professor ______ (to give) lectures on contemporary issues.

33. She ______ (to prepare) teaching materials for the class.

34. The organization ______ (to fund) innovative projects.

35. He ______ (to conduct) surveys to gather feedback.

36. The institute ______ (to offer) scholarships to deserving students.

37. I ______ (to submit) my research proposal this week.

38. They ______ (to address) important social issues through their work.

39. The seminar ______ (to cover) various topics related to technology.

40. She ______ (to guide) students through their research projects.

41. The software ______ (to facilitate) complex data analysis.

42. He ______ (to present) his research at international conferences.

43. The library ______ (to archive) old manuscripts and books.

44. We ______ (to evaluate) the effectiveness of our methods.

45. The professor ______ (to organize) workshops for skill development.

46. She ______ (to analyze) trends in market research.

47. The company ______ (to implement) new policies for efficiency.

48. They ______ (to research) the impact of economic policies.

49. The program ______ (to include) hands-on training sessions.

50. He ______ (to write) his thesis on machine learning applications.

Present indefinite tense in hindi fill in the blanks exercise solution :-

1. conducts

2. offers

3. teaches

4. publish

5. sets

6. participate

7. analyzes

8. attends

9. discusses

10. leads

11. provides

12. explore

13. oversees

14. writes

15. assists

16. conducts

17. supports

18. analyze

19. update

20. presents

21. collaborate

22. reviews

23. offers

24. monitors

25. publishes

26. study

27. maintains

28. supervises

29. includes

30. tracks

31. share

32. gives

33. prepares

34. funds

35. conducts

36. offers

37. submit

38. address

39. covers

40. guides

41. facilitates

42. presents

43. archives

44. evaluate

45. organizes

46. analyzes

47. implements

48. research

49. includes

50. writes


दोस्तों आपको यह अंक कैसा लगा ।इस अंक को और बेहतर बनाने के लिए कोई सुझाव या शिकायत हो तो कमेंट करे।आपके सुझाव को जल्द हीं शामिल किया जाएगा, साथ ही आपके शिकायत को भी जल्द से जल्द दुर करने की हमारी पुरी कोशिश रहेगी।
धन्यवाद !








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